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Updates to Jessaca's Website

Writer's picture: Jessaca WillisJessaca Willis

Hello everybody!

Some of you might've noticed I've been making some changes to my website throughout the past month. I've added a new page dedicated to my Advance Reader Team (those of you interested in reading and reviewing my books before they come out should go and check it out!). One of the bigger changes I've made is in transitioning my Author News page to my blog (where you're reading this post) and refocusing my blog on my author journey.

I realized by managing multiple blog pages (That Nerd Life, My News Page, In The Pantheon, My Goodreads Blog), I was being stretched too thinly between what I really want to be doing: writing books for my readers to enjoy!

So, from now on, this blog will be devoted to updates and news related to my author life. I'll include announcements of upcoming book releases, cover reveals, events I'm attending, as well as a few work-life balance posts that might be about cosplaying or Halloween.

But I digress.

Now that you're all caught up, the real reason for this post is to share that my website will be going under a mini-makeover during the month of May.

What this entails is that I will continue to finish organizing the News/Blog page, as well as giving my home page a much-needed facelift. You may also see some new pages appear (I'm still deciding which would be most helpful, but maybe a "series" page and a "newsletter" page).

If you have any ideas or suggestions for how I can make navigating my webpage easier, or if there are any things you'd like me to keep, please don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment below!

Thanks for reading!


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