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An Advance Review Copy (ARC) is a pre-published book (usually an e-file) sent to select readers in exchange for an honest review.


Reviews sell books. They are especially important for independent publishers/authors, who often don't have the same notoriety or connections as a large publishing house. Readers rely on reviews to help them decide if a book will be a good fit for them and to help them determine whether they will try a new author, especially one that's independently published.


By offering ARCs, an author can guarantee reviews early in the book’s release, thereby providing genuine reader opinions to shoppers while the book is at its most visible. Oftentimes, authors will also use excerpts from these reviews for promotions and advertising as well.

What's an ARC?

My Advance Reader Team is a cohort of committed readers who volunteer to read and review my latest ARCs.


When I have a new ARC ready, I contact my ARC Team with the opportunity. Since I rely on ARC reviews to successfully launch my newest releases, and since I expect my ARC members to read and review by the release day deadline, members can opt-out if they are unable to make that deadline.


Those who respond, receive a free e-copy of the ARC and start reading!


Those who decline wait until the next ARC is available. However, ideally, those who join are able to read & review at least one ARC per year.


Once a reader finishes an ARC, they post their honest (spoiler-free) review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or Bookbub, at least one week prior to the release date.

How does the ARC Team work?

Absolutely! Jessaca's ARC Team is currently open for new applications!


All you need to do is complete the form below and wait for a response:


>>Complete the ARC Team Application Form<<


Thank you for your interest in helping my books succeed. I am truly appreciative of your support!


Can I join Jessaca's ARC Team?


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